Kris och Rob förlåvade?

“If Kristen is looking for Rob, she’ll say, ‘Has anyone seen my husband?’’’an insider tells OK!. “And Rob loves to say, ‘Have you met my lovely wife, Kristen?’ It’s cute. They’re like a couple of love-struck teenagers.”
Why so shy all of a sudden? To paraphrase another sprawling screen saga (The Godfather): It’s business. Twilight’s producers have told Robsten to keep their love on the down low — at least until after the November release of New Moon, the second film of Stephenie Meyer’s series, in which Bella gets involved with hunky werewolf Jacob Black, played by Taylor Lautner.
It’s all about suspension of disbelief. The studio bosses “fear that if a romance between Rob and Kristen is confirmed,” the insider says, “Twilight fans won’t buy into the screen chemistry between Taylor and Kris.”
For more on Rob and Kristen’s quickly blooming romance, pick up the new issue of OK!, on sale everywhere Thursday... skriver:
Obs: Detta är inte sant, vad vi vet. Det skulle bara vara ett bevis på hur lätt media kan lura oss, och ibland kan det vara svårt att se skillnad på rätt och fel. Vi lär väll se om de är sambos och förlåvade på riktigt, då de själva berättar det!