Carmina Burana♥
Gode gud vad denna låt är bra!!!
Jag vet, jag har dålig musiksmak men men;P
Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)
I. Primo vere (In Springtime)
Uf dem anger (On the Lawn)
II. In Taberna (In the Tavern)
III. Cour d'amours (The Court of Love)
Blanziflor et Helena (Blanziflor and Helena)
Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi (Fortune, Empress of the World)
Jag vet, jag har dålig musiksmak men men;P
- 6. Tanz
- 7. Floret silva nobilis (Small and large choruses)
- 8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir (Small and large choruses) [German]
- 9. Reie [German]
- 10. Were diu werlt alle min [German]
- 11. Estuans interius
- 12. Olim lacus colueram (No violins used)
- 13. Ego sum abbas (Only percussion and brass with chorus)
- 14. In taberna quando sumus
- 15. Amor volat undique (Boys chorus with soprano)
- 16. Dies, nox et omnia
- 17. Stetit puella
- 18. Circa mea pectora
- 19. Si puer cum puellula
- 20. Veni, veni, venias (Double chorus with 2 pianos & 6 percussionists)
- 21. In truitina
- 22. Tempus est iocundum (2 pianos, percussion and all vocalists except tenor)
- 23. Dulcissime
- 24. Ave formosissima (Three glockenspiels with independent parts)
- 25. O Fortuna (Fortune, Empress of the World)
